Attended the First China International Import Exposition

TIME:2018/11/9 16:42:48

On November 5th, the first China International Import Expo opened in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai).

A total of 172 countries, regions and international organizations participated in the conference, and more than 3,600 companies participated. As the world's first import-themed expo, China International Import Expo provides a platform for many companies to showcase leading technologies.

This is before the opening ceremony, Xi Jinping and the foreign leaders collectively took a group photo.

In the historical tide of the storm, there is always a force to wear clouds and fog, and march forward.

"China sincerely opens its market to all countries. The China International Import Expo will not only be carried out every year, but also must be level, effective, and better." On the morning of November 5th, Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, President Xi Jinping in the first session A keynote speech was delivered at the opening ceremony of the China International Import Expo. More than 1,500 guests including leaders from various countries and regions and heads of international organizations listened to the audience.

From promoting the "One Belt and One Road" to the initiative to hold an import fair, this is another international public product that China provides to the world. Big pattern, big hand, big feelings. President Xi Jinping led China, which comprehensively deepened reform and opening up, opened its arms to the world, and shared mutual benefits and win-win results with all countries to jointly paint a new vision for common development.

Due to the outstanding contribution in the field of environmental protection, our company was invited by the Provincial Economic and Information Committee to participate in the grand event as a professional audience.

Since its establishment in 2004, our company has taken environmental governance as its own responsibility, actively assumed social responsibility, and actively exerted the advantages of environmental remediation to repay the society.

Mr. Ma and Chairman of the Wow Haha Group Zong Qinghou exchanged business cards

It is precisely because of the innovative spirit of persistent exploration and brave breakthrough. Since its establishment, Shengda Environmental Protection has always taken global environmental wisdom with an international perspective, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of China's environmental protection industry to modernization with international thinking, and actively promoted advanced environmental protection equipment and Technology, strive to provide quality services to customers, carefully create environmentally friendly products for the society, and make the environmental protection industry bigger and stronger. We aim to promote the healthy development of the environmental protection industry, accelerate the innovation of environmental protection science and technology, promote the construction of ecological environment, and promote green living. We will vigorously promote the research and development and application of core technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection, realize green manufacturing, and help China's green development and green lifestyle transformation, and strive to "create a green environment and build a beautiful China."

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