Debut at China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair

TIME:2018/10/20 16:41:30

From October 10 to October 13, 2018, the 15th China International Small and Medium Enterprises Exposition was held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo Hall. As the leading enterprise of environmental protection project in Shandong Province, Shandong Shengda Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd. took the company's main products to participate in the China Expo at the invitation of Shandong Province and Linyi Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau. In order to make full use of the good opportunity and excellent platform of the exhibition, the Shandong Shengda team carefully prepared and vigorously organized. Because of the variety of equipment, advanced technology and beautiful appearance, it was not only favored by purchasers from all over the world, but also affirmed and appreciated by many leaders. It fully demonstrates the independent innovation ability of Shandong Shengda Environmental Protection Project.

China International Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Fair (hereinafter referred to as "China Expo") is a large-scale international exhibition approved by the State Council and specially oriented to and serving the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is also the largest, largest and most influential international event for SMEs in China. International exhibitions certified by the International Exhibition Federation (UFI).

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the current China Expo promotes domestic and foreign SMEs to enhance understanding, strengthen cooperation, expand exchanges and common development, and promotes practical exchanges and cooperation between SMEs in China and other countries (regions) in the world, and has achieved fruitful results.

Wang Zhaochun, Director of Shandong Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Bureau, visited the booth for guidance

It is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration and the People's Government of Guangdong Province. Officials from the delegations of the United Arab Emirates, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Cuba and representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises such as Shandong Shengda Environmental Protection Project attended the forum.

During the Expo, China's small and medium enterprises Summit Forum, small and medium enterprises cross border matchmaking fair, 2018 "Chuang Ke China" innovation and entrepreneurship competition, SME information application and promotion activities and information forums, 2018 Asia Pacific Information and communication technology alliance competition, "one belt and one road" special action 2018 Guangdong trip - into the Middle East activities and other six main activities.

During the exhibition period, Shengda Enterprises not only successfully docked a number of intentional customer resources, but also received many orders on site, and decided to continue to participate in the exhibition next year.

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